The most valuable thing we provide you with are lasting images and ways to present them that are thoughtfully and professionally executed. Justine's many years of experience as an exhibiting artist make her a valuable asset in helping you decide what images work together, how to incorporate them into your space, and what style of framing or printing will work most effectively for you.

Tri-fold linen folio

Tri-fold linen folio


Linen folios make an easy and lovely present. Available with 2 openings in vertical, square or horizontal orientations. Beautiful colors. Great for a mantle or dresser table top, they can be displayed opened or closed. Popular for maternity images you treasure as well.

Canvas artwork

Canvas artwork

Heirloom leather album

Heirloom leather album

Electronic or printed gift certificates available

Electronic or printed gift certificates available

Custom framing

Custom framing

Expression Print on Metal

Expression Print on Metal



Framed prints, or Canvas, Metal and Wood finishes are versatile enough to fit into any environment.

Gallery Block Wall

Gallery Wall

Metal print

Metal print


Images in context and grouped with each other can make personal and beautiful wall art. Think about where you might hang artwork from our session, even before we take the photos.

Storyboard print with custom frame

Storyboard print with custom frame

Storyboard print on gallery block


We've scoured the country to find the best craftsmanship and professional printing for our books. We offer a curated choice of styles, sizes, covers. Each book is custom designed and unique. We take the time to perfect all images in your book. 

Heirloom linen album with custom presentation box

Heirloom linen album with custom presentation box

Signature book

Signature book

Custom designed layouts in books and albums using your favorite images

Custom designed layouts in books and albums using your favorite images


Baby announcements, holiday and thank you cards are all custom designed using your favorite image(s) on beautiful card stock available in a number of finishes including linen, watercolor, pearl, matt or recycled

Custom birth announcements and holiday cards